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Visit Myrtle Beach Responsibly Video Campaign Begins As Myrtle Beach Reopens

Videos promote safety, cleanliness and patience following the pandemic 

In advance of the holiday weekend, the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureau (MBACVB) has released a series of videos asking guests to visit responsibly. These videos address safety guidelines, local ordinances, and reminders to keep our beaches clean and safe.

“This visit responsibly message is designed to educate our guests on what to expect when they travel to the Grand Strand and what we expect regarding responsible travel,” said Karen Riordan, MBACVB president & CEO.   “We want everyone to enjoy all the area has to offer but that will require extra safety measures and patience as our community continues to reopen following the pandemic.”  

Visitors will see these messages on the popular Visit Myrtle Beach social channels and website, including a Visit Myrtle Beach Responsibly blog post. All five videos are available now on the Responsible Travel YouTube playlist

MBACVB also provided a flyer to area hospitality businesses to post in their storefronts with reminders to visit responsibly by practicing healthy hygiene, wearing face coverings when in public, properly disposing of waste, and maintaining social distance as recommended by the CDC. The flyer can be downloaded for printing at here.