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Escape to The Beach – Spring Marketing Campaign 2021

The Myrtle Beach Area Chamber and Convention & Visitors Bureau are encouraging people to Escape to The Beach during our 2021 Spring Marketing Campaign. The focus of the campaign is that South Carolina is open and encouraging 2021 travel to the Myrtle Beach area. In conjunction with our new media buying agency, MMGY, we developed a media strategy that is intended to expand reach, focus investment, and remain flexible across channels to adjust against the ever-changing landscape. The mix of media that was included in the campaign is as follows:

  • Programmatic

  • Paid Search

  • Paid Social

  • Traditional TV

  • Digital TV

  • Integrated Packages

  • Travel Endemic/OTA’s

The campaign was also supported with additional marketing efforts that included public relations, email, and promotion via owned media channels.

Launch Dates

Spring Audiences

The spring audiences are Focused Families and Beach Bound or Bust.

Markets, audiences, media channels and timing vary for each campaign and are chosen based on insights from our various data sources and past performance. Of course, these campaigns are all fluid and will be optimized to maximize the results or as conditions change.

Following are highlights from each channel, as well as sample creative for current campaigns.

Cross Channel Programmatic:

Feb. 15 - April 30

The cross-channel programmatic media made up 11% of the total media mix for this campaign and included placement on Travel Desk, Verizon DSP, and Sojern. The target markets were both regionally and nationally based.

Paid Search:

Feb. 15 - April 30

Paid search was 20% of the total media mix for the spring campaign. Google and Bing were the two focus search engines for this component originally. Campaigns were also launched on Microsoft ads to target users on Bing and Yahoo which was not traffic targeted during the initial launch. Also implemented was a Google Discovery campaign type that targets mobile users that have shown an interest in visiting the area. Paid search targeted the National and Regional audiences.

Paid Social:

Feb. 15 - April 30

Paid social was 13% of the total media mix for this campaign and was comprised of the main social sites; Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and TikTok. The link ads were a mix of video and images that promoted one of three campaign objectives; inspire, engage or convert.

Traditional and Digital TV:

Feb. 22 - April 11

The broadcast portion of the media mix made up 42% of the total campaign and was focused on both Primary and Secondary markets. The Local Network TV portion focused only on our primary markets and Local Cable TV and Advanced TV encompassed both primary and secondary markets. This portion of the campaign was concentrated in a smaller timeframe to maximize the overall coverage.

Escape to Myrtle Beach this Spring :30

Escape to Myrtle Beach this Spring :15

Integrated Packages:

March 17 - April 30

The Spring Campaign included one integrated package with USA Today comprising 5% of the overall campaign. It included a header video on top of the travel section page and an in-article video among the travel section for both mobile and desktop. It also included photo option with a link to a gallery that lived in USA Today.

Click here to view USA Today photo gallery.

Digital Advertising on Travel Endemics and Online Travel Agency Sites:

Feb. 15 - April 30

Expedia, Trip Advisor, and Travel Spike made up the three (3) areas of exposure for this specific segment of the Spring Campaign. While this is scheduled to run from mid-Feb until the end of April, it only makes up 4% of the total mix.

Other Spring Campaign Elements:

Moments Oh So Grand Campaign

Virtual Media Mission Events

  • March 11 (Culture & Diversity)

  • March 18 (Family)

  • March 25 (Outdoor)

Visit Myrtle Beach’s Passport to Fun

Spring is the Perfect Time for a Getaway to Myrtle Beach, SC  National Press Release

Myrtle Beach Spring Getaway Guide

Easter Deals, Packages, and Specials

Book Your Spring Getaway and Save

How Partners Can Get Involved

CVB Leisure Tourism Investment Partners can submit special packages and offers for Spring, Easter, and more via the Partner Extranet. Everyone is encouraged to submit their events online via the Submit Event Form.